comic by Tim Bollinger

Pecha Kucha at Wellington Overseas Terminal

Dear Pecha Kucha Fans

First of all a big thank you to all of you for supporting our Pecha Kucha Nights in Wellington and for telling all your friends about the one coming up!

I am delighted to announce the current line-up for our next Pecha Kucha Night at the wonderful Overseas Terminal venue on 9 June. We will start at 7.30 pm sharp with the first presentation so come early to grab a seat. There will be a great bar, a brilliant wood burner and some food too. Door sales cash only, $9.

The line up so far confirmed is:

Ralph Johns // landscape architect // Isthmus Group Limited // about new
sea land
Stacey Childs // about discounderworld
Sam Trubridge // Director & Designer // about Sleep/Wake
Mervin Singham // Artist // about his inspiration for his work
Edward Lynden-Bell // Writer & Filmmaker // about the Drake Equation
Tim Bollinger // Cartoonist // about his cartoons
Joshua Judkins // about playing "The Lost Ring" and Ponoko
Jared Forbes // Creative Director // Lumen Digital Ltd
Emma Knight // Experience Design Consultant/Snowboarder
Luke Pittar // on travel sketching as an educational experience
Chris Jackson // industrial designer // 2000 years in 20 chairs
Maurice Bennett // the toastman//
Tao Wells // unemployed