Just received a very exciting package from Los Angelese sound artist Bob Belleure and his record label Anarchy Moon. The package included an LP of Smegma's, The Smell Remains the Same, a compilation put out by Anarchy Moon of Smegma singles from 1990-95. The tracks have been remastered by Dr ID and the album features fantastic cover artwork by Amazon Bambi (see image above) and liner notes by David Morgan. Unfortunately our record player is irreparibly broken so we haven't had a chance to listen to it yet, but this is surely enough incentive to get a new one soon. In the meantime we're enjoying the spooky minimal recordings of Redglaer's American Masonry which is also out on Anarchy Moon and has received a lot of good press including Wire and Arthur. The album was recorded in a large concrete warehouse in Tulsa and is an intriguing listen indeed.
check out: http://www.anarchymoon.com/