The Invisible Reading Room
Running until October 29 at Sydney artist-run space First Draft is the second-ever exhibition of The Invisible Reading Room, a traveling and continually expanding archive of more than 500 independent publishing projects and 100 artists videos. Compiled by Sydney-based artist-run initiative The Invisible Inc, the archive’s first exhibition was held earlier this year at Melbourne’s Next Wave Festival.
For more info check out: www.theinvisibleinc.org.au
Also coming up in Sydney is the launch party for Australian independent arts magazine Runway Issue Eight: Trash. The party will be held this Sat. 28 October at MOP Projects.
Check out: www.runway.org.au
Also coming up in Sydney is the launch party for Australian independent arts magazine Runway Issue Eight: Trash. The party will be held this Sat. 28 October at MOP Projects.
Check out: www.runway.org.au
Climate Change and the Spanish Civil War
This November 4th has been dubbed "Climaction", a global day of action, participation and discussion about global warming and its implications. "Climaction" takes place in Auckland City at Aotea Square at 1pm. Organised by a large coalition of environmental, community, social and political organisations, the day will have speakers ranging from scientists and politicians to concerned citizens. The public is encouraged to come and show their solidarity and that they are serious about this issue.
New Zealand and the Spanish Civil War
Coming up this November 4-5 is a two-day seminar, New Zealand and the Spanish Civil War run by the Trade Union History Project. Beginning on 17 July 1936 with a military revolt against the democratically elected centre-left Popular Front Government, the War became the great ideological struggle of the 1930s. While the West maintained a "non-intervention" policy and fascist dictator Franco would win and remain in power until his death in 1975, historian and seminar speaker Peter Clayworth says one of the "few bright notes from this grim story was the example of international solidarity show shown by thousands of young, mostly working class people, who came voluntarily from around the world to assist the people of Spain to resist fascism".
New Zealand and the Spanish Civil War will include a number of talks by prominent speakers on issues of the war and the involvement of New Zealanders whether in the spheres of trade unionism, politics, literature or art. The seminar will also include a concert at Bar Bodega, a book launch, panel discussions and a party and barbeque, to be confirmed. The seminar will be preceded by a number of related film screenings at the Film Archive from November 1-4.
To register or find out more about the event, go to: www.tuhp.org.nz
For more information on the film screenings visit: www.filmarchive.org.nz